Things have changed for crypto holders and Luna Foundation Keeps Buying Bitcoin

 Luna Foundation Keeps Buying Bitcoin

breaking news the Luna foundation again add another 100-million-dollar bitcoin to their ust stable coin reserves

so they just took another 100, million dollars of bitcoin off the market, and in total, they own now

42 410  bitcoin in their wallet making their wallet the 19th largest in total bitcoin holdings

so they are not deterred by the dippy in fact as bitcoin dips lower or just sort of bounces around they continue to

Ethereum Merge is no longer expected in June

so it's been delayed according to Ethereum core developer Tim beiko the network's much-anticipated shift to proof of stake might not come until the fall

after a few weeks of speculation, Ethereum core developer Tim beiko confirmed in a tweet Tuesday that the long-awaited Ethereum merge will come later than expected

instead of June Bako said that the network's transition to proof-of-stake is more likely to come in the few months after

Polygon Commits to Going Carbon Neutral

polygon commits to going carbon neutral this year in 2022

the polygon network announced on Tuesday its commitment to going carbon neutral and climate positive this year by releasing its green manifesto a smart contract with planet earth

 they also made a 20 million pledge to offset their carbon footprints and buy extra credits to eventually become carbon negative

so if you like polygon you like this and if you're asking why are they doing this?

 well according to the company, the green manifesto places freedom at the center of the web 3 ethos

 and climate change as the biggest threat to that liberty going carbon neutral means that every non-fungible token minted token bridged or decentralized finance trade defi trade made on polygon will be accounted for and its environmental impact will be offset

so maybe polygon will be known as the green chain we will see

 if you're asking, how do they plan to do this?

 I mean how will they know if they're truly quote-unquote green or not polygon is collaborating with climate an organization of developers that provides on-chain carbon offsetting technology as well as an offset

 which provides polygon with an analysis tool that gauges the network's carbon intensity 
