Crypto will go huge right now Bitcoin,Algorand, terra Luna, WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH CRYPTO ?
Algorand Rents Times Square Billboard for Earth Day
The first piece of news involving algorand
Algorand has just rented out a time square billboard to tout their green credentials ahead of earth day
but this ad buy comes with a dark twist
so if you hold algo token a lot of you are excited about this I guess this is a rendering of Algorand time square activation this is what the ad is intended to look like
but in their viral attempt to send a message I guess on Thursday, April 21st which I guess is earth day they will darken times square in new york to exhibit algorand dedication to sustainability
so they will darken times square to show that al grant cares about the eart saving energy
the takeover will begin with a billboard showing an environmentalist called before going dark for an hour starting at 8 pm eastern time the ad spending is pegged to earth day in us
in a direct quote from al grand foundation CEO on why they're doing this
we wanted to make a bold statement on a large platform to educate the general public that advances in blockchain technology like those employed at al grand have made it greener and more sustainable than the first generation proof-of-work blockchains and more green than traditional banking in financial rails
very interesting I could see something like this is being picked up by all the mainstream media outlets and potentially going viral and just to give you the stats
Moonbirds (NFT Collection) Launches w/ Controversy
THE next piece of major news for eth NFT that is sort of coming with some controversy
but moonbirds NFTs fly on their debut clocking in over 200 million dollars in sales and the project is the first tied to a community of NFT collectors whose membership pass costs at least 99 Ethereum
so this private collective sort of got their first pick got first access to the mint I believe
but let's just go over the details and unpack this together with the collection of ten thousand PFPS profile pic Esque NFTs has racked up 69 000 Ethereum worth hundreds of millions of dollars in total sales boasting a floor price right now of 21.3 eths roughly 64 000 each for each of these NFTs there's a minimum of a sixty-four thousand dollar floor price at least
the debut put moonbirds on top of the open seas volume leaderboard not just for the week but for the last 30 days ahead of azuki at around 50 000 Ethereum volume and ahead of board API club at around 35 000 Ethereum volume
so it's beating out the blue chips at least for its first month anyway final thoughts the controversy for this mint was this the project's mint came with some controversy from complaints of a hefty 2.5 Ethereum mint price to also raffle manipulation and concerns of rarity sniping which is projects leaders buying up rare editions using insider knowledge by its developers
Terra’s Stablecoin Becomes 3rd Largest in Existence
tara luna's stable coin USDT becomes crypto's third-largest
so the dollar-pegged USDT has to overtake binance USD to become the cryptomarket's third-largest stable coin by market capitalization
a big day if you hold terra luna as their stable coin is a part of the ecosystem
now will this trend continue is this just hype at the moment time will tell but just to paint the picture of what's the difference with these Stable coins
BUSD for example is a fiat-backed stable coin meaning the stablecoin's custodian in this case Paxos for BUSD holds the equivalent amount of BUSD circulating in cash cash equivalents or other traditional assets
so the backing is held by a centralized custodian very similar to USDC and USDT but tara's stable coin however is built much differently instead of a centralized entity holding traditional assets be it cash or bonds
this stable coin is designed to keep its peg to the greenback the dollar via a mint and burn mechanism as well as savvy market arbitragers
and USDT is what's known as an algorithmic stablecoin here's how it works to create one USDT users must first buy and then destroy one dollar of luna tara's governance and staking token
the inverse is also true each time you swap one dollar of luna for USD you must destroy one USDT and thus it's supposed to keep its peg to one dollar
anyway at the moment, people are believing tara luna stablecoin is climbing the ranks
The first piece of news involving algorand
Algorand has just rented out a time square billboard to tout their green credentials ahead of earth day
but this ad buy comes with a dark twist
so if you hold algo token a lot of you are excited about this I guess this is a rendering of Algorand time square activation this is what the ad is intended to look like
but in their viral attempt to send a message I guess on Thursday, April 21st which I guess is earth day they will darken times square in new york to exhibit algorand dedication to sustainability
so they will darken times square to show that al grant cares about the eart saving energy
the takeover will begin with a billboard showing an environmentalist called before going dark for an hour starting at 8 pm eastern time the ad spending is pegged to earth day in us
in a direct quote from al grand foundation CEO on why they're doing this
we wanted to make a bold statement on a large platform to educate the general public that advances in blockchain technology like those employed at al grand have made it greener and more sustainable than the first generation proof-of-work blockchains and more green than traditional banking in financial rails
very interesting I could see something like this is being picked up by all the mainstream media outlets and potentially going viral and just to give you the stats
but moonbirds NFTs fly on their debut clocking in over 200 million dollars in sales and the project is the first tied to a community of NFT collectors whose membership pass costs at least 99 Ethereum
so this private collective sort of got their first pick got first access to the mint I believe
but let's just go over the details and unpack this together with the collection of ten thousand PFPS profile pic Esque NFTs has racked up 69 000 Ethereum worth hundreds of millions of dollars in total sales boasting a floor price right now of 21.3 eths roughly 64 000 each for each of these NFTs there's a minimum of a sixty-four thousand dollar floor price at least
the debut put moonbirds on top of the open seas volume leaderboard not just for the week but for the last 30 days ahead of azuki at around 50 000 Ethereum volume and ahead of board API club at around 35 000 Ethereum volume
so it's beating out the blue chips at least for its first month anyway final thoughts the controversy for this mint was this the project's mint came with some controversy from complaints of a hefty 2.5 Ethereum mint price to also raffle manipulation and concerns of rarity sniping which is projects leaders buying up rare editions using insider knowledge by its developers
tara luna's stable coin USDT becomes crypto's third-largest
so the dollar-pegged USDT has to overtake binance USD to become the cryptomarket's third-largest stable coin by market capitalization
a big day if you hold terra luna as their stable coin is a part of the ecosystem
now will this trend continue is this just hype at the moment time will tell but just to paint the picture of what's the difference with these Stable coins
BUSD for example is a fiat-backed stable coin meaning the stablecoin's custodian in this case Paxos for BUSD holds the equivalent amount of BUSD circulating in cash cash equivalents or other traditional assets
so the backing is held by a centralized custodian very similar to USDC and USDT but tara's stable coin however is built much differently instead of a centralized entity holding traditional assets be it cash or bonds
this stable coin is designed to keep its peg to the greenback the dollar via a mint and burn mechanism as well as savvy market arbitragers
and USDT is what's known as an algorithmic stablecoin here's how it works to create one USDT users must first buy and then destroy one dollar of luna tara's governance and staking token
the inverse is also true each time you swap one dollar of luna for USD you must destroy one USDT and thus it's supposed to keep its peg to one dollar
anyway at the moment, people are believing tara luna stablecoin is climbing the ranks
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