Bitcoin on exchanges keep falling THIS WILL PUMPT Ethereum coinbase major news NFT
Bitcoin on exchanges just keeps falling (yet still correlated to Nasdaq).
bitcoin on exchanges continues to be bought and moved off of the exchange the total amount of bitcoin on exchanges just keeps falling probably something
this is a long-term bullish indicator in the short term bitcoin is showing a strong correlation to the NASDAQ and a low correlation to gold so there is some uncertainty but with uncertainty comes opportunity if you believe in the space
Coinbase has launched its NFT marketplace (beta)!
coinbase's Ethereum NFT marketplace and soon to be multi-chain launches in beta
the long-awaited coinbase nft platform announced six months ago is finally live with an initial zero percent marketplace fee and social media like elements
this is the official announcement at coinbase underscore nft attention internet our beta is officially live this is a slow rollout so there are over four million people signed up to try this out
the top people on the waitlist have access to it and over the next weeks and months they're going to do a slow rollout
today we kick things off with a full access experience for some of our waitlist friends as we ramp up everyone can explore the vast collection of nfts on the first version of coinbase nft
this is such a big deal and such a big step forward for nfts of course they're competing with openc and eventually Facebook will launch their own marketplace and as all these different marketplaces compete it brings in more users it's better for us as users of these platforms overall this makes me bullish on the nft space along with plenty
Deadfellaz Ethereum NFT Collection Lands Exclusive Deal with UTA
other things for instance this is a dead fella's Ethereum nft collection lands an exclusive deal with a big talent agency Hollywood UTA
NBA announces dynamic Ethereum nfts for playoffs so I think this is going to be a really big deal especially with NBA top shots last year doing so well
the 18000 NBA nfts have traits that will change based on athlete performance these nfts have utility
NFTs and sports are such a natural fit sports fans are such passionate fans such big collectors actively participate in every game with fantasy basketball or what have you
so these being dynamic nfts for each player in the 2022 NBA playoffs seems like this might generate you know users this is what the main site looks like they just had their allow list mint
bitcoin on exchanges continues to be bought and moved off of the exchange the total amount of bitcoin on exchanges just keeps falling probably something
this is a long-term bullish indicator in the short term bitcoin is showing a strong correlation to the NASDAQ and a low correlation to gold so there is some uncertainty but with uncertainty comes opportunity if you believe in the space
coinbase's Ethereum NFT marketplace and soon to be multi-chain launches in beta
the long-awaited coinbase nft platform announced six months ago is finally live with an initial zero percent marketplace fee and social media like elements
this is the official announcement at coinbase underscore nft attention internet our beta is officially live this is a slow rollout so there are over four million people signed up to try this out
the top people on the waitlist have access to it and over the next weeks and months they're going to do a slow rollout
today we kick things off with a full access experience for some of our waitlist friends as we ramp up everyone can explore the vast collection of nfts on the first version of coinbase nft
this is such a big deal and such a big step forward for nfts of course they're competing with openc and eventually Facebook will launch their own marketplace and as all these different marketplaces compete it brings in more users it's better for us as users of these platforms overall this makes me bullish on the nft space along with plenty
other things for instance this is a dead fella's Ethereum nft collection lands an exclusive deal with a big talent agency Hollywood UTA
so dead fellas join crypto punks me bits autographs on Utah’s growing roster of digital talent
so it's amazing to see all these big Hollywood agencies starting to represent big nft collections possible movie television video game integrations time will tell glad to be in NFTs
NBA Announces 'Dynamic' Ethereum NFTs for Playoffs
so it's amazing to see all these big Hollywood agencies starting to represent big nft collections possible movie television video game integrations time will tell glad to be in NFTs
NBA Announces 'Dynamic' Ethereum NFTs for Playoffs
NBA announces dynamic Ethereum nfts for playoffs so I think this is going to be a really big deal especially with NBA top shots last year doing so well
the 18000 NBA nfts have traits that will change based on athlete performance these nfts have utility
NFTs and sports are such a natural fit sports fans are such passionate fans such big collectors actively participate in every game with fantasy basketball or what have you
so these being dynamic nfts for each player in the 2022 NBA playoffs seems like this might generate you know users this is what the main site looks like they just had their allow list mint
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